TechFieldDay - Day 1

This will not be a long post or detailed report of what we experienced today, that will have to wait for a later date. Too much info - to go into detail into a specific subject.

We spent the morning at Symantec - presentations about Netbackup and Backup Exec.

From there we went to Drobo - where we learned about some of their upcoming offerings.

Next on the same location was Druva - a new company that provides a Remote backup of mobile computers.

From there we went to the Computer History Museum.

Xangati presented their solution, and also some of what is to come in their upcoming release

We also got to see the:

Babbage Difference Engine


Babbage Difference Engine

Cray-1 Supercomputer

Dinner and party followed

Long day, brain drained, a slight bit jet lagged but hey who’s complaining ????

Who’s Tired

Let’s get ready for tomorrow


Tech Field Day is a sponsored event by the companies that are presenting. That means my travel & lodging expenses were covered by these vendors. I did take personal vacation days to attend this event. And I am under no obligation to promote any of these companies.