VMware vExpert Awards 2010

Yesterday the vExperts for 2010 were announced.

VMware awards the vExpert to individuals who have significantly contributed to the community of VMware users over the past year. vExperts are book authors, bloggers, VMUG leaders, tool builders, and other IT professionals who share their knowledge and passion with others. These vExperts have gone above and beyond their day jobs to share their technical expertise and communicate the value of VMware and virtualization to their colleagues and community.

I am happy to announce that I am one of those who have received this award, and I am grateful to have been granted such an honor.


I have created a Twitter List that I will be updating - with those who have received the award.

If you are not on this list - please let me know - so I can add you.

Congratulations to all those that got the first round - there will be another round of emails going out on Monday.